Thursday, September 28, 2006

That Touch of Mink

We had DirecTV installed shortly after moving into the new house. Before that, in the apartment, we only had a few cable channels. One of the first things I saw while browsing the new channels was the movie "That Touch of Mink." Paula had seen part of it before and had heard it's a good, funny, movie. Even way back when, I remember Mr. Q mentioning that movie. So I set it up to record and Paula and I watching it just a few nights ago.

At one point in the movie, Cary Grant gives a speech in front of the United Nations. In order to show just how good his speech was, the writers added this random bit of dialog: "Look, even the Russians are clapping!" They even cut to a shot of a man behind a desk, with a big sign on it declaring, "Russia", and he was clapping away very enthusiastically.

That set me laughing. It just struck me as very funny. So...I'm adding it to my list of favorite quote.

Anyway...this movie came out in the 60s. I bet it was pretty risque for that era. It also has such notables as John Astin and Dick Sargent, not to mention a scene in the dugout with Mickey Mantle, Roger Maris, and Yogi Berra.

If you get a chance to see it, do it!

-- C.


Blogger Marcus said...

Thank you for the recommendation. It's movie uniqueness will be added to the collective -- assimilated. I do like many Carey Grant films. If you both haven't seen Father Goose, do.

September 28, 2006 2:59 PM  
Blogger davesbeachbar said...

And this time of the year, "Arsenic and old lace" is a definate must see for Carey Grant movies.

September 28, 2006 4:27 PM  
Blogger MR said...

I have Arsenic and Old Lace on DVD. Loaned to someone right now, but should be back this weekend, I plan on checking it out again before Halloween. As for "That Touch of Mink" how did you record it, DVR? No change of borrowing it if that's the case. Is there a movie place around here that will rent the classics? I'd consider Netflix if they had a good classics section.

October 02, 2006 1:30 AM  

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