Tuesday, September 26, 2006

House projects

So much to do, so little time. Paula set a deadline of November 4th for a sort of "open house" party. The plan is to force us to have the house presentable by that date. That means there will be no boxes lying around. It sounds doable.

We also have a lot of other stuff to do besides unpacking and organizing. We need our own lawn mower, a new range (the burners work but not the oven), and a dish washer would sure be handy. The fridge works, but it has a little leak. We bought brooms and rakes, and we'll need one more snow shovel by winter (if not a snow blower for our wide driveway). I want to put some caulk around the shower stall and install the new toilet seat (that'll be easy). The carpet in the living room could be replaced (there are a couple stains). New window treatments for several rooms. More bookshelves. More storage space in the computer room. We want to add a bar in the basement. And, oh, that'll do for now...

I did get the garage door working with both our remotes and the keypad. It turns out there are two different technologies for Craftsman openers and they do not work together. We had one remote of the old technology which overwrote the keypad and the one new remote – I couldn't program them. After hunting on the 'net I found my answer, got rid of the old remote, and bought a keychain remote for me. Now we have to clean out the garage so I don't have to squeeeeze quite so much getting into and out of my car.

I'll be glad when all our chores are done.

HA! I made myself laugh with that one. They'll never end...

-- C.


Blogger davesbeachbar said...

Amen Brother !!

It seems a bit overwelming, but just put together a list and then prioritize it. Anything outside should be done very very soon.

I told a co-worker about the need of a lawnmower for you (he fixes them) and he said he has seen a few riding mowers in the area, just depending on how much you want to spend

September 26, 2006 4:24 PM  
Blogger Marcus said...

And then ... the world began. I thought the work was getting the house ... crud! I will see about anyone having a functioning stove, lawnmower and the like. The ones I find may not be free, but cheap. Anyway, Novembre (intentioanl) 4th, you type, eh?

September 26, 2006 5:32 PM  
Blogger CAQuincy said...

I set a date for October 21. I'm hosting a buy-some-crap party at the house as an unofficial housewarming. I also figured it would push us to get more stuff done--the garage cleaned out, the living room put together, etc. Here's hoping we both meet our deadlines!

September 27, 2006 9:52 AM  
Blogger KJS said...

As soon as you finish, it will be time to move. I finished all my tasks about a month ago, and closing is today.

September 28, 2006 12:54 PM  
Blogger MR said...

I've got a toilet that requires you to hold down the handle, and a sliding glass door that's missing the latch. The toilet used to have much bigger problems, so the handle thing is a compromise between me and it to leave well enough alone. Realisticly, that probably won't get fixed unless I'm A) selling the house or B) changing something else on it and want it to be perfect, maybe a new seat or something. The latch is just a pain, you pretty much have to find the people who made your door. The alternative, which is probably safer anyway, it to lay a rod that keeps the door from sliding in the track, which is what I've been doing. I tend to think that flimsy latch could be broken a lot easier than the rod. So, in this case, I didn't spare the rod. I chuckled at the snowblower comment because I said that right when I moved in and looked at my big ass driveway and it's been 8 years this November I've lived here and I still don't have one, but this year I don't see any more pressing need in it's price range, so lets pretend it's finally going to happen--8 years later. May you get yours much sooner. Although that mulcher thing you were talking about sounds cool too.

October 02, 2006 1:25 AM  

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