Monday, March 20, 2006

Bad movie decisions

I'll confess. I made a bad decision to see a movie I didn't know much about. Actually, turns out I didn't know anything about it (I confused it with a different preview I saw).

My wife and I were at the theater trying to decide what to watch. Nothing really interested me much, but she suggested "16 Blocks." I should have left it at that; I would have been happy to see it. But another movie drew my attention. I thought it was about Casanova and was a light-hearted humorous movie. It was called "The Libertine" and starred Johnny Depp. Hmm, can't be that bad if it has Johnny Depp in it, can it? Had I checked the rating I might had had second thoughts (it's R). (The movie I was thinking of is called, cleverly, "Casanova" and stars Heath Ledger.)

We went in and sat down. It was Sunday afternoon so I didn't expect a crowd, but I didn't expect there to only be five other people in the theater either. I knew something was wrong after the first five minutes. Mr. Depp was "The Earl of Rochester" (who was a real historical person). After the prolog (which was a little explicit), it showed him riding in a carriage with his wife and was soon, um, how do I put it politely? Molesting his wife? After that scene two people left the theater and I never saw them return. After about 15 more minutes another man left, never to return.

I didn't think it would get worse, and it didn't. But it didn't get any better either. The Earl was known for his sexual escapades and speaking his mind, no matter what. Johnny Depp turned in a good performance, as did the other actors, but I can't recommend this movie to anyone. There's nothing to gain from it and a lot you'd really don't need to know about this man. The language was pretty vulgar and it deserved its R rating.

As soon as the credits started I apologized and said she can pick the next 10 movies we watch.

-- C.


Blogger Marcus said...

So I saw Debbie does France III, thinking that this was a well known tour guide giving advice on how to spend the most time in good places -- more for the buck on your two week vacation, highlighting the wonders of France and its long history. Oops! I didn't realize it was a porn ... my bad!

March 20, 2006 2:37 PM  

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