Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Four-year-olds and vocabulary

Last night we had our four-year-old nephew over for dinner, along with Paula's grandmother. Brock was eating his spaghetti and somehow, as four-year-olds often do, got sauce on his forehead. I asked him to clean it and handed him a napkin. He started wiping the top of his head. I said, "No Brock, on it's on your forehead." He just giggled and kept rubbing the napkin on top of his head. "No, it's a little lower than that." He kept on wiping the top of his head.

"Brock, you have sauce on your forehead. You should use the napkin there. On your forehead."

He laughed, grinned a big grin, and said, "'s only ONE head!"

Great. Now my nephew thinks I'm some kind of idiot that can't count and doesn't know anatomy.

-- C.


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