Thursday, November 30, 2006

I almost had a "Hiro" moment this morning

I've been struggling with some code changes for the last week, converting something someone else wrote and making it run a little smoother. If you've never had the pleasure of trying to decipher someone else's code, consider yourself lucky. You might think there's only one way to write a program to complete a certain task -- but you'd be wrong.

So anyway, there was one particular convoluted piece of code that's been giving me trouble, and when I finally got it working, I felt like throwing both arms in the air, fists clenched, and yelling, "I DID IT!" in classic Hiro form.

Hiro is from the TV show "Heroes" by the way...

-- C.


Blogger Marcus said...

I'll have to finish this code left handed, otherwise it's over too quickly.

Congrats! Perhaps you could do the Toyota jump and cheer also.

November 30, 2006 11:01 AM  

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