Monday, June 05, 2006

Bands and bars

We went to see my friend's band (Pop'n'Fresh) on Friday night. I haven't seen them in several months, mostly because they don't have a keyboard player any more and the last time I heard them they just didn't sound the same. But PnF still put on a good show. They had another guest player...on the bongo drums. I'm telling you, you haven't lived until you've heard "Brown Eyed Girl" played with guitar, bass, drums, *auto-harp* and *bongos*! It sounds like an odd combination, but it worked well.

The bar is pretty small, and you have to be careful if you're sitting too close to the dance floor. If the ratio of alcohol-consumption to dance-move-complexitiy gets out of whack, you'll end up with a dancer in your lap. If they alcohol comsumption is too high, it doesn't take a very complex move to send someone tumbling.

It's fun watching the drunks. One woman was sitting at the bar (loudly) asking the bartender if she was allowed to drink tequila. He said no, as did a few of her friends. It sounded like she didn't any more to drink, tequila or otherwise.

Just remember, if you're not laughing at the drunks, you're probably the drunk being laughed at.

-- C.


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