Monday, May 08, 2006

Bad dream

I had a horrible dream over the weekend. I dreamt my friend Marcus came over and watched a movie with Paula and me -- a movie called "Cabin Fever." It was a senseless horror movie, over-using profanity and the fake blood. The movie was a gift from my in-laws. I would like to know how they found out about this movie and why they thought it was worth giving as a gift.

After we finished watching it I noticed the DVD even had a "Special Features" option on the menu. What, this movie has deleted scenes or something? What editor sat there and thought, "Oh no, I can't leave that scene in, it would ruin everything!" Are you telling me there was a scene so bad that it didn't make the cut into this abomination? Yikes.

I'm hoping it was all a dream. I couldn't face the reality of that movie actually existing.

-- C.


Blogger Marcus said...

And then you said, "Gee! Now I know I can make a movie. If they can put that together and out, then surely I can!"

May 08, 2006 7:53 PM  

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