Thursday, April 06, 2006

Sticky ball

My nephew is a big fan of the PS2 game "Katamari Damacy." I mentioned it in a previous post. Well, his parents bought the sequel and he still talks about the games quite often. Instead of trying to make him say "Katamari Damacy" though, he just calls it "sticky ball" -- 'cause that's pretty much what the game is about. You roll a ball around and things stick to it. As things stick to it, your ball (the katamari) gets bigger. As the ball gets bigger you can pick up bigger objects. Eventually you're picking up people, cars, buildings, and snatching clouds and planes out of the sky.

The other day was his turn to bring in snacks for his pre-school class. You know what he made?

Sticky balls.

With the help of his parents (who also enjoy the game), he made popcorn balls. Then they rolled the popcorn balls in little pieces of candy (shaped like cars and airplanes) which of course...stuck to the ball.

I don't think his classmates got the reference though.

-- C.


Blogger Marcus said...

That's really cute!

April 06, 2006 2:46 PM  

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