Friday, November 11, 2005

Cerpicio, not Serpico

Serpico (sur-pa-coh) was a movie ( Cerpicio (sur-pee-see-oh) comes from philosophy (as mentioned in my first post). I've gotten questioned on this before, so I just wanted to point this out to clear things up.

Anyway, I'm home from the hospital and doing very well. I'm up and around and not in any pain or discomfort. I'm supposed to soak in the tub 3 to 4 times a day (sitz bath), which isn't too bad as far as doctor's orders go.

Oh, and I was informed that my wife hasn't even moved in half her books yet. I don't know where we'll put the rest.

Ok, back to the movie (Robots) soon as she gets off the phone.

-- C.


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