Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Paula had an ultrasound yesterday afternoon and we found out "who it is" (whether it's a boy or a girl). But I ain't tellin' ya yet. Our parents were busy last night so we are going to dinner with them tonight to let them know. After that, we'll tell everyone else.

Paula had to drink four bottles of water before the appointment. I think she drank three before she felt like puking. She almost didn't make it past the parking lot. I tried not to laugh at her as we waited for 20 minutes. She kept staring eagerly at the bathroom door and doing a pee-pee dance. As if a growing baby doesn't put enough pressure on her bladder, all that extra water was almost too much.

Once the technician started the ultrasound Paula forget about her bladder, at least a little bit. The tech showed us the four-chambered heart beating away. We got a nice view of the spine, too. The tech pointed at one area and said it was the stomach, then pointed at two other circles and said those were kidneys. She could have been making it up for all I know. Everything looks good so far.

I tried very hard not to give away too much here, like using personal pronouns or describing the nickname we came up with. You'll have to wait till tomorrow.

Any guesses?

-- C.
PS: Paula had to pee about ten times during the next several hours after the appointment.


Blogger davesbeachbar said...

ooohhhhh.. never laugh at a pregnant woman who has to puke or pee.. not unless you never want to see "funland" again.

Isn't it cool to see all of the stuff on an ultrasound? and you're right they point to blobs on a screen and you shake your head like you see what they are pointing at.

My guess is a girl..

September 26, 2007 2:27 PM  
Blogger MR said...

I guess a BOY, and I'll even go so far as to suggest a name, I like Joshua Steven Kanning.

September 26, 2007 7:44 PM  

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