Monday, January 30, 2006

Greetings from Vegas!

(Stupid blasted Blogger! I wrote a nice long message but it failed to post it. Now I have to start over. I need to remember to copy my posts before I hit the Publish button.)

Well, here I am in Las Vegas. My room has a nice view of some mountains off in the distance, but not nothing of the Strip.

My flight out of town was delayed and then cancelled, so they flew me to Dallas/Fort Worth instead of Chicago. My co-worker went through Cincinatti and got to Vegas about a half hour after I did. We got to the hotel around 9:30 PM local time which is 12:30 back home. I was too tired to do any sight-seeing.

This morning I had a nice breakfast and went to the conference opening sessions. The keynote speaker was half-way through his speech when the fire alarm went off. Fortunately it was only a false alarm.

This hotel is pretty amazing and I haven't even seen half of it yet. The the food is wonderful.

Tonight, we've been invited to dinner at the MGM Grand and we get to ride in a limo to get there.

Sometimes work isn't too bad.

Ok, enough for now.
-- C.

A couple of notes though. While sitting in Dallas waiting for my next flight, I over-heard two women talking. One started coughing heavily and the other asked, "Still have that cough? What's it been, two weeks?" "No," the other answered, "More like three." So I'm thinking, here's a great idea. Why don't you get on a plane with 100 other people in a small confined area, and share whatever it is that's been making you sick for so long. Wonderful. If I get a cough, I'm looking her up and having a discussion with her.

Also, on the ride to the hotel we passed a Chuckie Cheese. A couple letters on the sign were burnt out and it simply read, "uckie cheese." From reports I've heard, that's a fairly accurate description.


Blogger Marcus said...

cough, hack ... I can't make the flight back ... cough, hack

have to stay another week --- two at the tops... sorry!

My wife needs to come here to help me -- she has an old family recipe

Isn't that right Paula?

January 30, 2006 11:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Geez Jeff, I really expected a more exciting story for Vegas. Chuck E Cheese, Sick guy on the plane. Are you saving the exciting stuff for guys night out??

February 07, 2006 6:27 PM  

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