Heya MR
This post is for you! I have nothing to say but thought I'd at least make another entry.
Well, maybe one thing. We have having a "Diversity and Anti Harassmnet Training" at work next in a few weeks. I've never been to one before. Do you think it's really necessary? Do people really not know what's appropriate and what isn't? And if not will this class make any difference?
Gotta go!
You will go in thinking that you're a rational person, but come out realizing that it is all about the perception of the other person. What control we're supposed to have over that, I don't know. But then they mention this "reasonable person" clause that says "would a REASONABLE person feel this was inappropriate?" And in the same breathe show an example where two employee who AREN'T crazy share a short hug in the hallway, but then show a third employee who OBSERVES the hug and feels threatened. It's really twisted what they'll tell you to avoid being sued.
Thanks for the post! Sorry I missed the party. It turned out I was going to miss it anyway, but completely zoned calling you to let you know. My memory is going.
were you harassed into attending?
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